This premium, limited ingredient adult dog food provides dogs with the nutrition that enhances their physique and feeds their minds, while keeping them healthy and energetic. Scientifically formulated and nutrient-rich, Montego Karoo Adult’s super-premium, limited ingredient recipe provides adult dogs of all breeds and sizes with an optimally balanced diet.
Contains zero soy, corn, gluten or artificial colours and flavours.
Key Features:
- Low carb formulation using only rice: A single grain, highly digestible carbohydrate provides all-day energy.
- Joint-Mobility Protein: Source of Glucosamine and Chondroitin supports joint strength and mobility.
- Strength-Building Protein: Provides essential amino acids, crucial to the maintenance of strong, healthy muscles.
- Omega-6 from Animal Fats and Vegetable Oils: Omega-6 fatty acids helps nourish your pup’s skin, while encapsulated fatty acids are essential for reducing stool odour.
- Prebiotics: This fibre-rich source of fructo-oligosaccharides stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system while improving stool quality.
- Vitamin-rich Brewer’s Yeast: Rich source of B-Vitamins that are vital for maintaining good health.
- Nourishing Fish Oils: Omega-3 fatty acids from Fish Oil and Salmon Oil powder are essential to brain development, clear vision, immune system health and joint health.
- A Beneficial Mix of Minerals: Salt encourages hydration which assists in kidney function, potassium chloride aids fluid balance and improves overall health, while sodium bisulphate functions as a natural acidifier.
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